Socologist / Phd / Associate Prof. (Univ. Toulouse jean Jaurès) / Junior Member Institut Universitaire de France

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Mosaic of paintings by Lania D'Agostino

This handbook is organized into two sections. Part I provides the reader with an overview of the sociology of gender from different empirical, historical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives. Part II offers lessons from the field, delving into the state of the literature and providing new empirical findings in some of the major thematic areas in the sociology of gender. 

We anticipate having chapters related to the following broad sections:

  • Bodies and identities (trans and non-binary)
  • Childhood, aging, and the life course (girlhood, trans kids, sexuality education)
  • Education, work, and family (unemployment, care work)
  • Other institutions (sports, new media)
  • Politics and economy (gendered politics, politics and activism, economy and global markets)
  • Borders, space, and circulations (immigration and globalization, transnational sexualities, public and private spaces)
  • Regulation (sex work)
  • Global concerns

We have a contract with Edward Elgar Publishing as part of the Research Handbooks in Sociology series with a tentative publication date in 2023.

Please submit a 500 to 750-word abstract by 15 September 2021 : SUBMIT HERE

Email questions to:,, and 


September 2021    Abstracts due (500 words)
November 2021    Editors provide feedback on abstracts
June 2022        Authors submit first draft of chapters
September 2022    Editors provide feedback to authors
September-March    Editors write chapters 1-4 based on first drafts and questionnaire

March 2023        Authors submit revised chapters
April/May 2023    Workshop
Late fall 2023    Submission of book

Call for Proposals
Research Handbook on the Sociology of Gender

Co-edited by Gayle Kaufman, Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, and Steven Roberts

Sociologists have contributed many iterations of defining and deconstructing gender. Drawing on the latest international research on the sociology of gender, this handbook offers readers an introduction to the global field. It aims to provide a theoretical and methodological overview and application to empirical research questions across this broad domain of sociology. Questions about what gender is, where it comes from, and what it ‘does’ persist as sociologists grapple with concepts from femininities and masculinities to heterosexism, cis-sexism, and nonbinary identities. Along with changing ideas about gender come different methodological approaches for studying it and new empirical insights. In addition, we see shifts in how institutions shape gender and respond to those with varying gender identities.