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American Journal of Cultural Sociology
American Sociological Review
Eastern European Politics and Societies
European Research Council
Gender and Society
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Law Policy and the Family
Law and Social Enquiry
Modern and Contemporary France
Conference Convenor
Contentious Science, Tricky Politics: Experts and Scientists in Controversial Policy Debates in Europe and North America Bordeaux 2020
Co-cordinator of LGBTQI Rights, Sexuality and Politics sessions (17 panels) at the
European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), Amsterdam, 2019
Co-cordinator of the Gender and Sexualities Research sessions (11 panels per conference) at the
Council for European Studies (CES) in Philadelphia, Glasgow, and Chicago, 2016 – 2018
Co-cordinator of Sociology of Culture Roundtables (20 panels) at the
American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, 2015
Reproductive Biomedicine
Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
Social Movement Studies
Social Problems
Sociological Theory
Sociological Focus
Sociological Forum
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Verso Books
Dissertation Year Fellowship Graduate Division, UCLA 2014
Karpf Peace Prize, UCLA 2012-2013
Chateaubriand Fellowship, Fulbright Commission, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères 2012
European Studies Fellowship, College of Letters and Sciences, CLA 2012
Dissertation Fellowship, Center for European and Eurasian Studies, UCLA 2012
Chancellor’s Prize, UCLA, 2009-2010
“Démocratie sexuelle et ‘théorie du genre’: armes politiques de distinction (inter)nationale aux Etats-Unis et en Europe.” Invited public talk Conférence Montaigne at Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Pessac, France. Feb. 2019.
“Genre et sexualité en période postcoloniale et dans la migration: glissements entre discours étatique, discours de l’intime et affaire de famille,” Panelists at conference Sexe, Race et Colonialisme, at Musée de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Paris. Feb. 2019.
“Homoparentalité: Visibilité, Science, et Droits,” talk at conference Colloque APGL, "Homoparentalités: de l’égalité conjugale à l’égalité parentale?" CNAM, Paris. Jan. 2019.
“Parents or Partners? Contrasting French and U.S. Attitudes to Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting” Paper presented at Intersections: Social policy & sexuality workshop at McMaster University, Canada. October 2018.
“Conceptualizing the dimensions of discrimination: A history of intersectionality as a social scientific tool,” paper presented at colloquium Rethinking Intersectionality at CAS, Univ. Toulouse II. November. 2018
“Crise de la famille hétérosexuelle.” Invited panelists at the Séminaire general of the research lab CRESPPA-GTM. CNRS, Paris. Feb. 2018.
“Study and Sanction: How U.S. and French ‘Experts’ Construe Queer Parenting in Legal Debates.” Invited panelist at Navigating the Boundaries of Kinship and Politics conference. Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forshung. Bielfeld University. May 2017.
“The Concept of ‘National Identity’: A Methodological Challenge?” Invited Panelist at 15th Anniversary of Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism Conference: Deconstructing Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. Queen Mary, University of London. September 7, 2015.
“The Politics of (Gay) Marriage and Parenting in France and the United States.” Lecture Presented at New York University, Paris program. Paris, France. February 11, 2015.
“Les Contraintes du Contexte Politique et Scientifique sur la Circulation Transnationale du Savoir sur l’Homoparentalité [The Constraints of Political and Scientific Context on the Transnational Circulation of Knowledge on Same-Sex Parenting].” Presented at the Centre de Recherche Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (Cresspa). Paris, France. Nov. 26, 2014.
“Comprendre la Recherche sur les Enfants dans les Couples de Même Sexe et les Différences Nationales [Understanding the Research on Childhood Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex Parents and Differences across National Contexts].” At Université de Toulouse II, Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Toulouse, France. December 19, 2013.
“Les Enfants dans les Couples de Même Sexe: Comprendre Leur Contexte, Leur Présent, et Leur Avenir. [Children of Same-Sex Couples: Understanding their Context, Present, and Future].” For hearings held by the Working Group on Assisted Reproduction at the French National Academy of Medicine. Paris, France. November 26, 2013.
“Les Couples de Même Sexe et Leurs Enfants aux États-Unis [Same-Sex Couples and Their Children in the United States].” On panel at Colloque Femmes, Féminismes, Recherches: 30 Ans Après Pre-Conference. Toulouse, France. December 13, 2012.
IdEx Bordeaux, 2019-2020, Emergence Program Research Grant (€30 000)
Project Title: The Political Role of Experts and Scientists on Controversial Issues: European and U.S. Policymaking on Climate Change and LGBT Families (POLEXSCI)
National Science Foundation, 2012 ($10 243)
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant. Law and Social Sciences Division, Grant # SES 1226663
Project Title: What is Homophobia? Defining Discrimination in France and the United States
Assistant Professor (Maître de conférences) - Université Bordeaux Montaigne (since 2016)
Visiting Assistant Professor in Sociology- Dickinson College (Spring 2015)
PhD (2015) Sociology, UCLA & École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
M.A. (2010) Sociology, UCLA
M.A. (2008)American Studies, Univ. Toulouse II
B.A. (2004) French Studies, Dickinson College