Follow Me
2020. 70 (235-236): 79-97
“Licence required: French lesbian parents confront the obligation to marry in order to establish kinship”
2019. Chapter “Queer Families Online: The Internet as a Resource for Accessing and Facilitating Surrogacy and ART in France and the United States.” In Access To Assisted Reproductive Technologies: The Case Of France And Belgium, Borders And Beyond, edited by J. Merchant. New York: Berghahn Books, 140-158.
2020. With A. Saguy. Chapter "Come out, Come out, Wherever you are" In Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are by Abigail Saguy. New York: Oxford University Press, 10-29.
2019. Entries "Mariage, Univeral in Europe" & "Pacs" & "Adoption, Fostering, and Surrogacy (International)" & "Adoption and Surrogacy in Europe" in Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History, edited by H. Chiang. New York: Charles Scribner & Son/Gale.
2017. Chapter “La ‘Multidimensionnalité’ comme outil de lutte pour une justice raciale et sexuelle complete.” In Critical Race Theory edited by H. Bentouhami and M. Moschel. Paris: Dalloz, 309-318.
2013. 39(1): 491-507 w/ M. Moore (1st author)
"LGBT Sexuality and Families at the Start of the Twenty-First Century"
2016. Chapter “Les mères lesbiennes, les mères seules, et leurs enfants : l’état des lieux de la recherché." In Procréation, Médecine et Don, edited by Pierre Jouannet. Paris: Lavoisier, 243-251.
2020. Chapter “Formes de l’État et sélection des savoirs experts : les controverses sur le mariage et la filiation des couples de personnes de même sexe en France et aux Etats-Unis.” In De l’autre côté du miroir: comparaisons franco-américaines, edited by D. Sabbagh and M. Simonet. Rennes: Presses Univeristaires de Rennes, 89-102.
By the Power Vested in Me:
Experts Debate Same-Sex Marriage
Under contract with Columbia University Press
2020. 19 (1): 38‑62
“Producing Expert Capital: How Opposing Same- Sex Marriage Experts Dominate Fields in the United States and France.”
2017. With J. Tricou. Chapter “Resisting “gender theory” in France: A fulcrum for religious action in a secular society.” In Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe, edited by R. Kuhar and D. Paternotte. London: Rowman & Littlefield,79-98.
2017. 17(1): 44-56
"The Importance of Sexuality for Research on Ethnicity and Nationalism."
2014. 29(4): 808-829 w/ A. Saguy
"How to Describe It? Why the Term Coming Out Means Different Things in the United States and France"